Saftiger Protein Brownie mit veganer Schokocreme

Mandel-Protein Brownies mit himmlischer Schokocreme

Protein Brownies – Genuss trifft auf Gesundheit Diese Protein Brownies sind nicht nur unglaublich lecker, sondern auch ein echtes Powerfood! Durch die Kombination von nährstoffreichen Zutaten wie M...
Gesund, nährstoffreich und schmeckt wie saftiger Kuchen – der perfekte Start in den Tag!

Delicious overnight almond-matcha porridge

Healthy, nutritious and tastes like moist cake – the perfect start to the day. The combination of high-quality almond protein and fiber-rich chia seeds provides your body with optimal nutri...
Matcha-Bananen-Muffins: Lecker und Nährstoffreich

Matcha banana muffins: delicious and nutrient-rich

These vegan matcha banana muffins are not only quick to make, but also a nutrient-rich delicacy. With ripe bananas, spelt flour and almond protein porridge as a base, they offer a healthy alternati...
Heidelbeer-Protein Porridge mit Früchten

Blueberry protein porridge with fruits

Blueberries are not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients. Combined with our almond protein porridge, this breakfast becomes a real energy booster that not only pampers the palate, but also su...
Crispy Apfel-Joghurt-Mandelporridge mit Jamu - besonders für Beken-Typen (Erde) 🌍🏔

Crispy Apple-Yoghurt-Mandel Porridge with Jamu

This recipe is particularly suitable for Beken types due to its balanced combination of proteins, fiber and carbohydrates. The almond protein porridge provides a good source of protein, while the J...
2 Minuten Protein-Mandelporridge mit Toppings - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Lung (Wind) 🌬

2 minutes protein almond porridge with toppings - especially balancing for high lung (wind) 🌬

This almond protein porridge recipe is well suited for those with high Lung levels. Lung types often have sensitive digestion and tend to get stressed easily. The almond protein in this porridge pr...