Gesund, nährstoffreich und schmeckt wie saftiger Kuchen – der perfekte Start in den Tag!

Delicious overnight almond-matcha porridge

Healthy, nutritious and tastes like moist cake – the perfect start to the day. The combination of high-quality almond protein and fiber-rich chia seeds provides your body with optimal nutrition and keeps you full for a long time. In addition, matcha powder, rich in antioxidants, provides a natural energy boost and protects your cells from free radicals. This recipe is not only rich in nutrients, but also quick to prepare - perfect for an active start to the day!

This almond protein porridge brings balance to all three Tibetan constitutional types:

  • Lung (Wind): The creamy consistency and nourishing ingredients like almond protein and chia seeds ground and calm the restless Lung type.
  • Tripa (fire): Matcha and vanilla harmonize excess heat and promote a clear, focused mind without overheating the Tripa type.
  • Beken (Earth/Water): The light, protein-rich meal activates the metabolism of the Beken type and prevents a feeling of heaviness.

This recipe supports inner balance and provides the body with ideal nutrients.


  • 40-50 g almond protein porridge natural
  • 1/2 teaspoon matcha powder
  • 200 ml plant milk
  • 2 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 1 pinch of vanilla bean powder (optional)

Here's how it's done:

  1. Mix all ingredients with plant milk of your choice, pour into a glass or bowl, let rest for 10 minutes and stir again.
  2. Well and leave in the fridge overnight.
  3. Enjoy in the morning and start the day satisfied and full of energy.

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