Crispy Apfel-Joghurt-Mandelporridge mit Jamu - besonders für Beken-Typen (Erde) 🌍🏔

Crispy Apple-Yoghurt-Mandel Porridge with Jamu

This recipe is particularly suitable for Beken types due to its balanced combination of proteins, fiber and carbohydrates. The almond protein porridge provides a good source of protein, while the J...
2 Minuten Protein-Mandelporridge mit Toppings - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Lung (Wind) 🌬

2 minutes protein almond porridge with toppings - especially balancing for high lung (wind) 🌬

This almond protein porridge recipe is well suited for those with high Lung levels. Lung types often have sensitive digestion and tend to get stressed easily. The almond protein in this porridge pr...
Entdecke das Geheimnis strahlender Haut - unser Beauty-Rezept mir reinigendem Triphala-Extrakt und Polyporus wird dich verzaubern.

Almond Protein Cirspy Porridge with Natural: Beauty

Discover the secret of radiant skin! Our beauty recipe with cleansing Triphala extract and Polyporus will enchant you!
Mandel-Protein-Porridge mit den adaptogenen Nährstoffen aus jamu:MAGIC

Almond porridge breakfast bowl

Experience the energy and health benefits of this delicious power porridge that will stimulate your senses with almond:PROTEIN and jamu:MAGIC. With just a few ingredients, you can conjure up a nutr...
Ananas-greens:PROTEIN Shake - eignet sich besonders gut für hohes Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Refreshing pineapple greens: protein shake

This refreshing shake with vegan-greens:PROTEIN not only brings taste, but also a concentrated load of nutrients to your day! The CitruSyn® contained, a branded raw material based on the amino acid...
Haut, Haare & Nägel Banane-Erdbeer Smoothie - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Lung 🌬

Skin, Hair & Nails Banana-Strawberry Smoothie - especially balancing for high lung 🌬(Wind)

This smoothie recipe is particularly balancing and supportive for those with a dominant Lung type. Lung types tend to have a sensitive digestive system and can benefit from light, easily digestible...
Redbeet-Protein on ICE - besonders gut bei hohem Tripa Anteil (Feuer) 🔥

Redbeet Protein on ICE - especially good with a high Tripa content (fire) 🔥

This protein shake recipe is particularly well suited to those with a high Tripa percentage. Tripa types tend to have a sluggish metabolism and benefit from protein-rich foods to maintain their ene...
Greenpower - Limetteneis - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Greenpower - Lime ice cream - especially balancing for high temperatures (earth) 🌍🏔

This lime ice cream recipe is particularly balancing for those with a dominant Beken type. Beken types can benefit from refreshing and easily digestible foods that provide the body with important n...
Protein-Schoko-Creme - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Protein-Chocolate-Cream - especially balancing for high beken (earth) 🌍🏔

The protein chocolate cream is a great option for the Beken type. It contains chickpeas, which are rich in fiber and protein and can help keep blood sugar levels stable. The soft Medjool dates serv...