Gemischter Salat - eignet sich am besten bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Mixed salad - best suited for high soil 🌍🏔

This salad is best for high Beken because it contains a variety of fresh vegetables and healthy ingredients that can balance and nourish the body. The Beken type benefits from a balanced diet rich ...
Diese Grillsauce eignet sich hervorragend zum Marinieren von Fleisch, Gemüse oder Tofu vor dem Grillen. Sie verleiht deinen Gerichten eine wunderbare Saftigkeit und Geschmacksfülle.

Tomato barbecue sauce - best suited for high temperatures (soil) 🌍🏔

This recipe is best when high in Beken because it uses a variety of fresh ingredients and provides the body with essential nutrients. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, while garlic an...
Tofu-Scramble - eignet sich am besten bei hohem Tripa (Feuer) 🔥

Tofu Scramble - best cooked on high Tripa (fire) 🔥

This recipe is best suited for the Tripa type as it contains easily digestible ingredients and promotes the flavor and heat that is beneficial for the Tripa type. Tofu is a good source of protein a...
Glutenfreies Buchweizen Jaan-Brot für Dies oder zu Eintöpfen. Glutenfrei und fluffig leckeres Rezept mit dem besonderen Mehrwert-Tipp von JOY NATURALS.

Gluten-free buckwheat Naan bread

Gluten-free buckwheat Jaan bread for this or to stew. Gluten-free and fluffy delicious recipe with the special added value tip from Joy Naturals.