Carob-Keim-Protein Apfelringe mit Mandelcrispy - ausgleichend für Lung und Tripa 🔥🌬
Carob Protein

Carob-germ-protein apple rings with almond crispy - balancing for lung and tripa 🔥🌬

This recipe is balancing for Lung and Tripa types. The mix of carob:GERM PROTEIN and almond:PROTEIN PORRIDGE provides a good source of protein and nutrients that are beneficial for both constitutio...
Carob-Protein Schoko Waffeln - ausgewogen für Lung-Tripa- und Beken-Typen 🔥🌬🌍
Carob Protein

Carob-Protein chocolate waffles-balanced for lung-tripa and biking types

Feel-good waffles with carob & cocoa These delicious, nutrient-rich wafers combine the natural sweetness of carob with the subtle bitterness of cocoa - a perfect moment of indulgence for body ...
Amaranth Protein-Knusper-Riegel (no-bake) - ausgewogen für Lung-Tripa und Beken-Typen  🔥🌬🌍
Carob Protein

Amaranth protein crunchy bar (no-bake) - balanced for Lung-Tripa and Beken types 🔥🌬🌍

This recipe is balanced for Lung-Tripa and Beken types. The mixture of carob:GERM PROTEN, cinnamon, salt and psyllium husks provides a good source of nutrients and fiber that are beneficial for all...
Super saftige Apfelmus Brownies mit Carobkeim-Protein - besonders gut bei hohem Beken Anteil 🌍🏔
Carob Protein

Super juicy applesauce brownies with carob protein - especially good with a high beken content 🌍🏔

This recipe for super moist applesauce brownies with carob germ protein is particularly well suited to people with a high Beken content. Beken types usually have a strong and robust body structure ...