Dieses warme Morgenglück-Gericht ist eine Wohltat für deine Sinne und es versorgt deinen Körper mit den besten Nährstoffen für einen energiereichen und freudvollen Tag.

Morning luck protein-linseed oil muesli

This warm morning happiness is a blessing for your senses and it provides your body with the best nutrients for an energetic and joyful day.
Mango & banana smoothie You read Morning luck protein-linseed oil muesli 1 minute Further Blueberry chiapudding


  • 2 tbsp tiger nut porridge (govinda)
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • 1 tbsp organic:LINSEED OIL
  • 1 heaped teaspoon choco:MAGIC
  • 1 ML wild:YAMS (optional)
  • Topping: 1 banana and coconut flakes

Here's how it's done:

  1. Mix tiger nut porridge with warm water until it reaches the desired consistency.
  2. Then mix in all remaining ingredients and stir until creamy.
  3. Peel the banana, cut it into pieces and fry it in a pan with a little oil or butter until golden brown.
  4. Serve porridge with toppings in a bowl and enjoy.

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