Herbal extracts for metabolism and digestion bitter: per - 200 ml
Artichoke, angelica root, Bockshorn clover, Eibian, gentian, iron herb, labk, yarrow and thyme & living cultures for metabolism and digestion
Herbal extracts for metabolism and digestion bitter: per - 200 ml
Mayrwiesstraße 27
5300 Hallwang/Salzburg
Ingredients: Still mineral water, angelica root (Angelicae Radix), yarrow herb (Achilleae Millefolii Herba), artichoke (Cynara cardunculus), Fenugreek seeds (Trigonellae Foenugraeci Semen), marshmallow leaf (Althaeae Folium), gentian root (Gentianae Radix), thyme (Thymi Herba), bedstraw (Galii Veri Herba), verbena (Verbena Officinalis Herba), nettle leaf (Urticae Folium), organic apple juice concentrate, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Plantarium.
Ingredients per 100 ml:
2100 mg root and herbal extract mixture per 100 ml weight, L-Rhamnosus, L-Plantarum: 40 billion CFU (colony forming units*)
*Total bacterial count at time of production. Naturally fermented product - cell counts may vary.
Insights into the valuable components
Natural ingredients
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