

107 products
Weizenkeimpulver mit natürlichem Spermidin Wheat germ powder organic from Austria - 400 g
Wheat germ powder organic from Austria - 400 g High quality organic wheat germ powder from Austria
Offer price15,90€
3,98€ /100g
Grünkohl Pulver aus Deutschland, fein gemahlen und gefriergetrocknet Kale powder organic - 200 g
Kale powder organic - 200 g Excellent vegetable protein source for a balanced diet
Offer price15,90€
7,95€ /100g
100% Maqui Fruchtpulver aus Gefriertrocknung Frische Maquibeeren
Maquiberic fruit powder, Justmaqui® - 200 g 100% pure Maqui fruit powder from wild collection
Offer price28,90€
14,45€ /100g
Bio Baobab Fruchtpulver Baobab Frucht
Baobab powder organic - 250g High vitamin C content: up to six times more vitamin C than oranges, strengthens the immune system and promotes collagen production.
Offer price15,90€
5,30€ /100g
Bio Maca Pulver aus dem Hochland der Anden von Peru Maca powder organic - 300 g
Maca powder organic - 300 g High quality Maca root mix from the Andes: Our organic maca powder comes from red, black and yellow maca roots from the Peruvian Andes
Offer price19,60€
6,53€ /100g
Dulse Flocken aus dem Nordatlantik Dulse Flocken aus Frankreich
Dulse flakes organic - 200g Nutrient-rich red algae from the North Atlantic, rich in iodine, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin K and iron. Ideal as topping for salads, soups and smoothies.
Offer price36,95€
18,48€ /100g
Feines Flohsamenschalenpulver Flohsamenschalenpulver extra fein gemahlen
Flea seeds powder bio - 500g Promotes healthy digestion and supports a balanced intestinal microbioma
Offer price24,90€
4,98€ /100g
Intensiv schmeckendes, fein gemahlenes Minze Pulver Grüne Minze Erfrischungsgetränk
Green mint powder, standardized, organic -50g Unforgettable enjoyment: intensive taste and invigorating aroma
Offer price9,85€
19,70€ /100g
100 % reines Fruchtpulver aus gefriergetrockneten BIO-Himbeeren. Organic raspberry fruit powder - 100g
Organic raspberry fruit powder - 100g 100% pure fruit powder from freezer -dried raspberries
Offer price15,90€
79,50€ /500g
100 % reines Fruchtpulver aus gefriergetrockneten BIO-Heidelbeeren. Bio blueberry fruit powder - 100g
Bio blueberry fruit powder - 100g 100% pure fruit powder made of freezer -dried wildheiders
Offer price18,90€
94,50€ /500g
100 % reines Fruchtpulver aus gefriergetrockneten BIO-Erdbeeren. 100 % reines Fruchtpulver aus gefriergetrockneten BIO-Erdbeeren.
Strawberry organic fruit powder - 100g 100% pure fruit powder from freezer-dried organic strawberries
Offer price12,90€
64,50€ /500g
Ceylon Vanille aus Sri Lanka Ceylon Vanille
Premium ceylon vanilla ground | 100% organic from Sri Lanka - 50g Premium quality for refining desserts, drinks and dishes.
Offer price34,90€
69,80€ /100g
Sold out
Noble cocoa butter - 400g 100% naturreine, schonend verarbeitete Kakaobutter für köstliche Rohkost-Schokolade und vieles mehr.
Noble cocoa butter - 400g 100% natural for delicious raw food chocolate and much more
Offer price22,90€
5,73€ /100g
Feines Edelkakaopulver Edelkakaopulver fein und entölt zum Kochen, Backen oder für schokoladige Smoothies ohne raffinierten Zucker und weitere Zusätze.
Noble cocoa powder (fine, de-oiled) -400g Versatile: for cooking, baking or for chocolate smoothies
Offer price12,60€
3,15€ /100g
Ganze Edelkakaobohnen, gemahlen Ganze, gemahlene Edelkakaobohnen von kleinen Kakaobauern aus Costa Rica mit einzigartigem Aroma, vielen Antioxidantien und anderen wertvollen Nährstoffen.
Noble cocoa beans (completely, ground) - 500g Unique aroma and rich in antioxidants and other valuable nutrients
Offer price25,90€
5,18€ /100g
Ganze Edelkakaobohnen Ganze, rohe Edelkakaobohnen von kleinen Kakaobauern aus Costa Rica zum direkten Verzehr und zur Verarbeitung in Mahlzeiten und Getränken.
Noble cocoa beans (entirely, raw) -400g For direct consumption and for processing in meals and drinks
Offer price25,90€
6,48€ /100g
Sold out
Bio sweet date syrup - 355g Bio sweet date syrup - 355g
Bio sweet date syrup - 355g Versatile & of course sweet: perfect for drinks, desserts, breakfast or baking.
Offer price9,90€
19,80€ /kg
Dattelsüße aus 100% Datteln Unser dattel:ZUCKER steht für natürliche Süße mit hohem Ballaststoffanteil und niedrigem glykämischen Index.
Bio date powder - 500g Natural sweetness with high fiber content and low glycemic index
Offer price12,90€
2,58€ /100g
Matcha shell, gray-white glazed Matcha shell, gray-white glazed
Matcha shell, gray-white glazed Mino -Yaki bowl - timeless elegance - traditional Japanese craft of the highest quality.
Offer price23,85€
Matcha bowl, dark, inside Petrolf -color Matcha bowl, dark, inside Petrolf -color
Matcha bowl, dark, inside Petrolf -color Made from Mino-Yaki ceramics in the Gifu Prefecture, this bowl of traditional Japanese craft represents the highest quality.
Offer price23,85€
Sold out
Matcha Schale aus Japan, Cremeweiß
Matcha bowl, cream white Timeless elegance - traditional Japanese craft of the highest quality.
Offer price26,80€
Matcha broom, light size 80 Zubereitung-Bio-Matcha
Matcha broom, light size 80 The classic among the matchases (chas) in size 80 for your perfect Matcha preparation.
Offer price17,30€
Matcha dosing spoon
Matcha dosing spoon Our Matcha dosing spoon (Chashaku) in a light design ensures the precise portioning of your Matcha powder.
Offer price3,60€
Die Ernährungsexperten Florian und Andrea Überall weisen mit ihrem Konzept einen kindgerechten und dem menschlichen Organismus entsprechenden Weg zu gesundem Essverhalten.
ESS: Medicine for a healthy child The right way to healthy eating behavior
Offer price22,00€

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