Gesunder Schokogenuss, welchen du nach dem Sport, zum Frühstück oder zwischendurch als schokoladigen Powersnack für einen ausgeglichenen Blutzuckerspiegel genießen kannst.

Protein chocolate enjoyment

Healthy chocolate nuts, which you can enjoy after sport, for breakfast or in between as a chocolate power snack for a balanced blood sugar level.
Sweet apple wrap You read Protein chocolate enjoyment 1 minute Further Green protein shake


  • 2-3 tablespoons vegan-carrot:PROTEIN
  • 1 tbsp date:SUGAR or 1-2 pitted dates (optional)
  • 1-2 tbsp noble: COCOA POWDER (deoiled)
  • 1 banana (fresh or frozen for more creaminess)
  • 300 ml oat milk

Here's how it's done:

  1. Put all ingredients in a blender and mix until creamy.
  2. Mix in a cup of coffee or espresso as desired.
  3. Enjoy after exercise, for breakfast or as a chocolatey power snack in between meals.
  4. PS: Also a quick and healthy remedy when you're craving something chocolatey and sweet.

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