Dieses köstliche natural:BEAUTY Skin Slow Breakfast ist in 5 Minuten zubereitet und lässt dich strahlen.

Beauty Skin Glow Breakfast

This delicious natural: Beauty Skin Slow Breakfast is prepared in 5 minutes and lets you shine.
Beauty ice cream You read Beauty Skin Glow Breakfast 1 minute Further Chocolate


  • 1 portion of favorite porridge
  • 1 ML natural:BEAUTY
  • 1 ML mineral:HEROS (optional)
  • Oat barista until the desired consistency
  • Topping: coconut chips, berries, puffed quinoa

Here's how it's done:

  1. Prepare porridge and mix with natural:BEAUTY, mineral:HEROS and the oat barista to form a creamy mixture.
  2. Place in a bowl, garnish with toppings, serve and enjoy.

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