Diese kids-fit:CACAO Gewürzkekse lassen sich ideal mit Kindern zubereiten, da sich der Teig wunderbar verarbeiten lässt.

Spice cookie

It can be healthy and delicious for Christmas ? This Kids-Fit: Cacao Spice cookies can be ideally prepared with children, as the dough can be processed wonderfully.


  • 300 g spelt flour
  • 60 g crushed organic:FLAXSEEDS
  • 200 g organic butter or vegan butter
  • 150 g date:SUGAR
  • 3 tablespoons kids-fit:CACAO
  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon clove powder
  • 100-150 ml rice milk or other plant milk

Here's how it's done:

  1. Grind flax seeds.
  2. Knead all ingredients with lukewarm butter to form a smooth dough.
  3. If necessary, add a little more plant milk or flour so that the dough is not too firm or too sticky.
  4. Roll out, cut out cookies and bake for 10-12 minutes at 170°C.
  5. Tip: Alternatively, use choco:MAGIC instead of kids-fit:CACAO, super delicious!

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