Das Leidensthema Heißhunger: Ursachen und Erste Hilfe im Akutfall von Triathlet & Personal Coach Ben Brandl

The suffering topic of cravings: causes and first aid in the acute case of Triathlete & Personal Coach Ben Brandl

Have you ever struggled with unexplained weight fluctuations, uncontrollable eating binges and constant lack of energy?

You are not alone. I am Ben Brandl and my own experiences with these challenges have shown me how important it is to have support. This personal experience forms the foundation of my coaching. Together we will go to the finish line because I know exactly how you will get there. Let's start this journey together and achieve your goals!

Sugar traps in everyday life: Why too much sugar is not good for you and how you can easily reduce sugar. You read The suffering topic of cravings: causes and first aid in the acute case of Triathlete & Personal Coach Ben Brandl 5 minutes

Let's start by understanding the causes of food cravings and discover effective first aid measures.

food cravings

Almost everyone has experienced them, and they can happen to anyone. These sudden, intense eating binges can drive us crazy. But why do they happen in the first place, and how can we best help ourselves in such moments?

Causes of Food Cravings

  • imbalance in blood sugar levels

A sharp fluctuation in blood sugar levels can lead to sudden, intense hunger. These fluctuations often occur due to the consumption of foods high in sugar or long breaks between meals.

  • Emotional triggers

Stress, boredom or negative emotions can trigger cravings. In these moments, we often turn to food to make ourselves feel better.

  • malnutrition

A deficiency in essential nutrients such as proteins, fiber or vitamins and minerals can cause the body to signal hunger. We often misunderstand these signals.

  • Hormonal changes

Women in particular experience increased cravings due to hormonal fluctuations during their menstrual cycle.

  • habits and environment

We often resort to snacks because they are readily available or because we have gotten into the habit of eating in certain situations or at certain times.

First Aid in Acute Cases

  • drinking water

Thirst is often confused with hunger. A large glass of water can help to suppress the feeling of hunger.

  • seek distraction

Do something else to help you overcome your cravings. A short walk or a phone call can work wonders.

  • Healthy Alternatives

Have healthy snacks like nuts, fruit or vegetable sticks on hand. These will satisfy your hunger without you having to resort to unhealthy options.

  • practicing mindfulness

Take a deep breath and ask yourself if you are really hungry or if you want to eat for some other reason.

My mission with Smart & Slim: Unleash your potential

Welcome to your journey to a healthier, happier life

I'm Ben Brandl and it's my mission to help you reach your full potential. Through my experiences as a triathlete, I've developed a deep understanding of discipline, perseverance and the unwavering will to succeed. I'd now like to share these insights with you and accompany you on your personal journey.

My Smart & Slim Approach – Lifelong experience in a metabolism course

My metabolism course is based on my lifelong experience, which I have gained through constant self-experimentation and optimization. I share with you methods that I have successfully used myself and have continuously refined. My goal is not just for you to lose weight, but for you to develop a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

  • Quality instead of quantity: My credo in the fitness jungle

In the often confusing world of fitness and nutrition offerings, I focus on quality over quantity. My course is characterized by a carefully curated selection of proven and effective approaches that are tailored to your individual needs. I firmly believe that quality should always beat quantity.

  • Personal experience as the foundation of my coaching

My own struggles with weight fluctuations, uncontrolled eating binges and constant lack of energy have shown me how crucial support is. These personal experiences form the foundation of my coaching. I will go with you to the finish line because, after numerous challenges, I know how to get there.

  • Your coach and active companion on the way to your goal

As your coach, I want to be more than just an advisor. I am there to support you actively, so that you not only achieve your short-term fitness goals. I am more concerned with ensuring that you lead a sustainably healthy and happy life. Together we develop strategies that not only strengthen your body, but also your mental well-being.

Strategies against food cravings

  • Regular meals

Keep your blood sugar levels stable by eating regularly and eating nutrient-rich, balanced meals. Make sure your meals include high-quality proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.

  • Adequate supply of nutrients

Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins will help prevent cravings.

  • Mindful Eating

Learn to listen to your body's signals and eat mindfully. Enjoy every meal and avoid distractions while eating.

  • stress management

Develop stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or regular exercise. A relaxed mind reduces the need for emotional eating.

  • Healthy snacks

Have healthy alternatives on hand, such as nuts, fruit or vegetable sticks. These will help satisfy your hunger between meals without you having to resort to unhealthy snacks.

  • Drink enough

Thirst is often confused with hunger. Make sure you drink enough water.

  • sleep and rest

Make sure you get enough sleep and rest. Lack of sleep can increase hunger and lead to uncontrolled eating.

  • Preparation is everything

Plan and prepare your meals in advance so you are less prone to spontaneous cravings and unhealthy food choices.

Let's work together to realize your vision of an ideal life. The path may be challenging, but with the right support and strategies, you can achieve anything. Let's start achieving your goals and living your best life.

If you would like to learn more about my coaching approach or are looking for individual support, I invite you to fill out the contact form. Let's take the first step towards your new, healthy life together!

Your Ben Brandl

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